I've decided that to keep it interesting, like a game, it will need some basic rules for everyone to follow.
Here's what I've come up with:
- The adventure must cost less than $20. The budget does not include food or snacks packed from home. This means there is going to need to be some creativity involved. Anyone could have an epic day if they spent $200.
- It needs to push you outside your comfort zone. Now this doesn't mean risking your life or doing something you don't want to. It could mean hiking for a hour or two longer than you ever have before or taking on a DIY project that you think is beyond your skill.
- Don't be afraid to fail. In fact if you do fail, then congratulations you found your limit! It means you still have a goal to complete a little later down the road.
- It doesn't have to be risky. In fact it should be as safe as possible. We all have to go back to work for 5 more days to earn another weekend!
- It should be one day. It's #EpicDayOff, not #EpicWeekend. Leave one of your days to recover from all the epicness!
- It can be alone or with a friend! Mine happen to be lonely adventures as usually one of my days off are through the week when most people are working.
I've listed a few ideas that are on the drawing board:
- Triathalon - any distance. It could be as simple as doing the distance in a pool, hopping on a bike and riding for the afternoon and then going for a run through your neighborhood. The bike and run portions could be mapped out on Google for free.
- Climb a Mountain. Well at least the height of one. Find a nice long hill or set of stairs. Climb, repeat. May sound boring, but put on some great tunes or an audio book and just grind it out to see when you'll break.
- Walk across your entire city and take the bus back. Again the secret for me, if you're on your own, is podcasts or audio books. Music is great but after a few hours you'll need a break and heck, why not learn something new. Multi-tasking!
- Ride a bike to another city or further! Most people have a bike that spends far too much time tucked away on the back of the garage or shed. Drizzle some oil on that squeaking mice nest of a chain and get out on the asphalt!
Well you get the idea. If you need a little inspiration just watch the short video I've included here documenting my last #EpicDayOff when I skateboarded 80km from Hamilton to Toronto.
Good luck on your adventures and keep me posted through social media. Let me know if you have any rules to add!
Twitter: @Sk8Philosopher
Facebook: The Skateboard Philosopher
Instagram: skateboardphilosopher
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